A Case Study on Form Research in Clothing Design
Ключевые слова:
Fashion design, clothing design education, fashion design education, creative dress pattern, deconstructivism in clothing design, form /a-formАннотация
The current increase in fashion design education institutions and the momentum in the design industry suggests that creative approaches have been influential in fashion design education. Thus, the research on creative approaches in fashion design education have become important. Form has been a definitive factor in art and design disciplines and allows the employment of creative approaches in clothing design. It could be observed that both ready-made garments and wearable art works possess forms created based on various perspectives. Although the perception of the form varies in these designs, it could be observed that the current innovative form approach has been on the rise. In the present study, it was determined that there were problems in the association between the body and form in the Fashion Design III course on clothing design. Thus, the reflection of the "form/a-form" approach that aims to propose design recommendations for clothing design form research on the creative process was investigated based on applications and views of the participating Eskişehir Technical University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Fashion Design students.
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