Construction of Student Houses in Serbia at the Beginning of the 21ST Century


  • Nikola Cekic
  • Miomir Vasov

Ключевые слова:

construction, dormitory, housing culture, normative, strategy, ecourbarchitectural design


In the monograph CONSTRUCTION OF STUDENT HOUSES IN SERBIA, at the beginning of the 21st century, the characteristic, indicative floor space of student dormitories with urban, architectural and ecological positions was studied multidisciplinary. The focus is on a comparison of examples of student dormitories from advanced academic backgrounds in the world. The authors noted the urgent need to build two times higher accommodation capacities in Serbia and emphasized the necessary functional restructuring of existing housing standards so that the student population would have the best conditions for effective study. It is necessary to change the design and spatial standards in the organization of characteristic resident units and their well-designed interior and exterior ambience. It is necessary to provide conditions for new, flexible user needs, a new identity culture of student housing, a new strategy in planning and shaping the physical structure of a home in a collective home. The presented analyzes have shown that it is necessary to generally change today's urbanistic and architectural thought about the spatial concept and physiognomy of the student home.


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