Пенчо Койчев: 140 години от рождението на архитект


  • Sasha S. Lozanova

Ключевые слова:

PenchoKoichev, Bulgarian architecture, 20th century, architectural contributions, new book


The article presents a book on Architect Koichev, who belongs to the generation of the founders of the contemporary Bulgarian architecture. Like many of them, P. Koichev had been educated in Europe (Ghent, Belgium) and graduated there in 1901. Regarding his works, we see an organic combination of the European culture and the regional (and Bulgarian) origin, along with a strong individuality and talent in all his creative life. The reviewed book is an article collection dedicated to the birthday of the architect. We can conclude that the fundamental merit of PenchoKoichev's works is the attitude towards the aesthetic characteristics of the interior and exterior as a whole ensemble.They are now comparable to the best ever created by the architects of his generation in European and Balkan contexts.


  1. A biographical site for Pencho Koichev on: (Electronic resource) https: // wordpress.com/ (visit date 27.05.2017).
  2. Kojchev S#debnatapalata v Sofija [The Palace of Justice in Sofia], IGA, BAN, Sofia, 1956.
  3. Kojchev P. Plevenskijatmavzolej-kostnica [The Mausoleum of Pleven]. Arhitektura, 4, 1955, p.165-
  4. Kojchev P.B#lgarskoto arhitekturno izkustvo. (skiciotarhitekt Cvetkov) [Bulgarian architectural arts. Sketches by P. Tzvetkov]
  5. The book of Пенчо Койчев: 140 години от рождение то на архитек тisin electronic form: (Electronic resource) https: // koichev.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/p_koichev-book-small.pdf (visit date 27.05.2017).






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