An Interrogatıon on the use of Technologıcal Innovatıons ın Fashıon Desıgn


  • Ülker Tatlidil
  • Yüksel Şahin

Ключевые слова:

technology, fashion design, wearable technologies, digital technologies, computer aided design, futuristic discourse


Today’s fashion industry points out to a system that use of up-to-date technologies is inevitable. It can be seen that, integration of technological products into fashion and clothing industry occurs in various ways from design research to design processes, from prototype to final product. Each technological innovation offers cutting edge design options, diversity and unpredictable results with the design and production possibilities in the relevant design field. Nonetheless, technologic innovations that are used almost in every industry confronts discourse which includes definitions such as “knowledge, skills, traditions, knowledge transfer” with futuristic rhetoric which consists of “speed, innovation, comfort, convenience, intelligence” definitions. Especially considering the fashion design field, it is intriguing how the future of human and his creative skills, useful labour and cultivation will be affected in the face of new technological softwares, and designs made with those softwares, which become the habit of futuristic rhetoric. Besides "how the users of products equipped with technological features will be affected by these products” is also a matter of debate. In this context, the examples of use of current technologies in fashion industry will be discussed by employing a critical approach. The effects of today's developing technologies on the creative actions of human beings and the users of the products created with these technologies will be presented within the framework of discourses on technological developments.



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Историко-теоретическая концепция и практика дизайна