Contemporary Theory and Practice in Designing of the Student Hostels
Ключевые слова:
архитектура, студенческое общежитие, характерный габарит, жилая единица, пользователиАннотация
Very different town planning and architectonic-designing approaches in formation of characteristic floor layouts of student hostels worldwide impose a need to redefine and uniform their functional composition. The accent in the paper is on the experience of the European states after 2000, which indicated that the changes are necessary, especially in terms of innovation, grouping of residential units and the number of users in collective housing, comfort in the housing collective, for the purpose of improving socialization of young students, their comprehensive better development, and that the standards for further designing have been noticeably changed. Also indicated is the potential for application of a more rational organization of the so-called condensed, compact volume, without corridors, with central, focal communication core which may provide significant saving of investments when constructing such structures. The existing housing situation is not at the satisfactory level due to large designing-functional discrepancies. There is a justified, necessity for remodeling of the existing volumes. The authors advocate new, contemporary and more advanced standards in designing and construction of student hostels in our environment.
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